
Ozone technology that purifies your work’s environment in total security




The molecule of Ozone is generated in great quantity through various generator, devices that permit the creation of the gas through controlled electrical discharges. The generator of Ozone takes the Oxygen composed by two atoms of O2 and make this in pair with another atom of Oxygen.

There is no waste and the treatment could be made each time we desire. The Ozone is a gas that goes everywhere and if it is enlarged in correct quantities could give a “whole protection” (contrary to the present technologies on the market, it could guarantee a global saturation).

The Ozone finds use in these treatments:

  • Environmental disinfection
  • Environmental sanitization
  • Environmental deodorization
  • Removal of phenols, cyanides, hydrocarbons, organic substances susceptible to radical attack, inorganic reducing substances
  • Purification and sanitization of water
  • Disinfection treatment of air conditioning systems

Data sheet